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Choosing Abundance or Lack

Exploring Emotions of Shame

April 23, 2023

Have you ever found yourself shedding tears in a moment of solitude? Perhaps in the shower, before falling asleep, or someplace where no one can see you?

I certainly have, many times. In fact, I experienced a meltdown just last week when I had visitors in my home.

Several factors contributed to my emotional outburst. I was exhausted, felt like I didn't have enough time or energy, doubted my ability to achieve my goals, and didn't want to feel this sense of disconnection I was feeling with others. Although I usually advocate for acknowledging and processing our feelings, at that moment, I felt ashamed of mine.

How can I allow myself to feel these negative emotions and cry when I'm experiencing so much success? When will I find a partner as amazing as my current partner? I just had two wonderful weeks, so why do I feel this way?

As I continued to cry, I felt even more ashamed of my emotions. Eventually, I managed to compose myself,

Several days later, my partner and I were on our way back home, and he began asking me questions to help me understand the intensity of my emotions and what triggered them. During that 1 hour car ride, something shifted, and I began to feel a sense of relief, joy, and calm that had eluded me for days.

After my meltdown and the conversation with my partner, I decided to slow down and reassess my priorities. I removed some tasks from my plate and delved deeper into the root of my emotions.

Exploring the concepts of abundance versus lack can have a profound impact on one's life, as I discovered.

I realised that once again, I was allowing my relationship performance and expectations to determine my value and enjoyment of life. This realisation was alarming.

I am now constantly reminding myself that these relationships with others comprises only 10% of life, and the remaining 90% holds greater significance. Moreover, approval and judgement do not define my worth as a person and should not dictate my happiness.

I am sharing my experience with you because we all encounter moments of lack at some point in life. However, even during these times, adopting an abundance mindset is always a possibility.

I'm not talking about toxic positivity. Instead, it's about approaching your uncomfortable emotions with compassion and identifying areas in your life that can provide strength and support to address what needs attention.

Ultimately, it's a choice between lack and abundance, and the decision is yours.

So, what will you choose today? Abundance or lack?

If you're interested, you can check out my stories where I talk more about my experience and the lessons I learned from delving deeper into the abundance versus lack mindset, with no makeup and messy hair.

Always keep in mind that you deserve to lead a life that you're absolutely in love with!

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With Love

Christina Longley