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Happiness - what is it really?

February 22, 2023

Happiness - what is it really?

Happiness can be described as a feeling of overall contentment, pleasure and satisfaction.

A general state of well- being and knowing it.

It is a feeling people have when things just seemto line up in work, health, family, relationships, goals, fun and values.

It is something people strive for and want, butis it realistic to feel happiness all the time and would it make you happy to have it??

Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows andeverything in between. As humans we experience a wide variety of emotions and feelings, some are fleeting and some linger.

Wanting and striving for life long, foreverhappiness would be unrealistic, but increasing the moments of happiness and joy in your life has got to make life better.

Research has shown that a sense of happiness canhave a positive impact on both your mental and physical health.

I see this when working with clients. I ask them about the last time they were at their goal weight or felt good in their body and it always matched up with life going well overall.

We know feelings and emotions are triggered bywhat is going on outside of us but we also know they are created inside of us.

By closing our eyes and remembering past events or imagining future ones, we can trigger feelings of happiness, anger, fear, anxiety, love, hate and all the rest.

We do have a choice over how we feel even though there are times we feel out of control.

Starting to notice, bring attention to, and feeltimes when we are happy, content or ok, will attract more of that feeling. Has someone ever pointed something out to you, a car, or a song and suddenly it’s everywhere?

It is the same with emotions, the more you become aware of the good feelings, the more you will notice them. Even better, we can use hypnosis to guide you back to a time you felt good and ask the mind to map that feeling so when needed, you can intentionally bring it back.

Sign up to my mailing list to receive an Abundance Connections Guide and ‘Attract more happiness into your life’ and a hypnosis recording to listen to every day. It will anchor the good feeling to slowly rubbing your hands together so you can use that movement when needed to change the way you feel.

Practice makes perfect, so listen to the recording more than once and do it.

Make your life better, control how you feel.

BOOK A 15 Min Free Consultation Here

With Love

Christina Longley 

If you would like to take it a step further then I have a 8 Week Journal Here