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Receiving is Feeling

Acceptance, Grace, Surrender & Gratitude

May 3, 2023

Indeed, receiving is feeling. It is a state of being fully present and aware of the emotions that come with accomplishing something, receiving something, or simply experiencing moments of joy and abundance in life.

However, many people struggle with receiving because they are conditioned to believe that they must earn their worthiness or that they are not deserving of good things. As a result, they may feel uncomfortable with positive emotions or even resist them altogether.

But when we allow ourselves to fully feel and embrace these positive emotions, we create a sense of openness and receptivity in our being. This state of openness allows us to attract more positivity and abundance into our lives, and to truly enjoy the blessings that come our way.

Receiving is a concept that we often make complicated, but it's actually very simple. It's about allowing yourself to feel the emotions that come with achieving or receiving something, such as success, satisfaction, peace, or delight. You can process these emotions by focusing on the sensations that arise in your body and being present with those feelings as they move through you.

Rather than analysing or downplaying these emotions, receiving requires you to open up to them and soften into them. This means allowing yourself to fully experience moments of gratitude, joy, appreciation, acceptance, grace and pleasure, without trying to minimise or write them off as a fluke.

By surrendering to these positive emotions, you can discover what it feels like for your heart to expand, your aura to vibrate at a higher frequency, and pleasure to flow through your entire being. Essentially, receiving is about embracing the full spectrum of positive emotions that are available to us as human beings.

It's a powerful act of self-love and self-acceptance that requires us to let go of limiting pattern and negative self-talk. When we allow ourselves to fully feel and accept the blessings that come our way, we open ourselves up to even greater possibilities and opportunities in life. It's a simple yet transformative way of living.

Moreover, the act of receiving is not just about feeling good or experiencing pleasure. It is also about acknowledging our own power and agency in creating positive outcomes in our lives. By fully embracing and accepting the positive emotions that come with success and accomplishment, we affirm our own ability to create and manifest our desires.

In essence, receiving is an act of self-love and self-acceptance. It requires us to let go of limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, and to embrace a mindset of abundance and gratitude. When we allow ourselves to fully feel and accept the blessings that come our way, we open ourselves up to even greater possibilities and opportunities in life.

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With Love

Christina Longley