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What Habits are holding you back from Happiness?

What if happiness is just a choice?

February 26, 2023

World happiness day is just around the corner.

What is one habit or behaviour that is stopping you from having the life you want?

A life full of happy moments?

It could be lifestyle habits - choosing foods you know are not good for you.

Procrastination - putting off doing things that in the end will make your life easier.

Relationship issues - staying friends with people that are not good for you.

Boundaries - not being able to say no.

Hypnotherapy is an excellent way to help release things from your life that you struggle with, but there are also different techniques you can do yourself at home to help.
Here is a list of 5 ways to help change a habit or behaviour that is really standing in the way of your happiness.

  1. Focus on changing one thing at a time. The road may be longer taking small steps, but the chance of reaching where you want to be drastically improves. I see this often with frustrated weight loss clients who try very restrictive diets and then after a short amount of time, crash and burn only to eat more than when they started.
  2. Out of sight, out of mind. For example, if you are struggling with overeating junk food, keep it out of the house. You may still want it but it will take more effort to get it. When the thought comes to mind, click your fingers or slap your legs three times to bring you out of the junk food trance and then ask yourself “Do I really need it?”. This can be used for anything, even texting someone you are trying to release.
  3. Get an accountability partner. It could be a friend, family member, coach even posting it on social media. When you have voiced what you are doing to others, it definitely helps with motivation, knowing you are going to be questioned on how you are doing.
  4. We use a technique in hypnotherapy where we take clients on a journey into the future to see how your life would be if you didn’t change the habits that are causing problems. The aim is to release some of the pleasure that is associated with what you are doing. Sit down with a piece of paper and picture yourself in 1 year, 5 and then 10 years of continuing the behaviour. Be very true to yourself and ask is it actually worth carrying it on?
  5. Reward yourself. Add some pleasure to having completely released the habit or behaviour. Maybe shout yourself a nice day out or buy something when you are a few months free. Set a date for the reward so you have something nice to look forward to. Success is much easier when there is something you are working towards.

I hope these five steps help you to take the step in making positive changes in your life.

If there is something you are really struggling with, whether it be weight loss, relationships, motivation, even past trauma, reach out. Hypnotherapy can make it so much easier, we not only focus on what is happening now, we also have techniques to clear past experiences that may be holding you back.

BOOK A 15 Mins Free Consultation Here

With Love

Christina Longley